[ET Net News Agency, 17 March 2025] 7 listed companies see active trades and price
swing at 9:20am
Listed companies Price Change(%) Status
BYD ELECTRONIC (00285) HK$51.75 +3.19 - Rising a combined 5.4% over the past
2 consecutive days
CHINA RES BEER (00291) HK$27.90 +3.14 - Hitting an 1-month high
- Rising a combined 8.77% over the past
2 consecutive days
- Its RMB counter (80291) unchanged at
TECHTRONIC IND (00669) HK$94.20 -3.78 - Hitting an 1-month Low
- Falling a combined 15.97% over the
past 9 consecutive days
BYD COMPANY (01211) HK$400.00 +3.68 - Rising a combined 15.74% over the past
5 consecutive days
- Its RMB counter (81211) unchanged at
AIA (01299) HK$63.20 +3.18 - Its RMB counter (81299) unchanged at
CHINAHONGQIAO (01378) HK$15.50 +2.92 - Hitting a historical high
- Rising a combined 4.87% over the past
2 consecutive days
MENGNIU DAIRY (02319) HK$20.80 +5.05 - Hitting an 1-month high
- Rising a combined 14.54% over the past
2 consecutive days